2nd Kuwait Healthy Cities Conference
Under the patronage of His Excellency

Dr. Ahmed Abdulwahab Al-Awadhi

Minister of Health
In the presence of

Dr. Hanan Balkhi

Regional Director of the World Health Organization

Dr. Fatima Al-Najjar

Assistant Undersecretary for Private Medical Services Affairs

Dr. Amal Hussein Jassim

Head of Healthy Cities Office

2nd Kuwait Healthy Cities Conference

"Healthy Cities for Community Development"

The Ministry of Health in the State of Kuwait has been keen to adopt all efforts aimed at improving health. The Healthy Cities initiative, presented by the Healthy Cities Organization, is a community initiative aimed at enhancing community health by improving the quality of life and working on the social determinants of health. The Ministry has adopted this initiative and established the Healthy Cities Office since 2014 to serve as a base for implementing the initiative in all regions of the State of Kuwait.

The Kuwait Conference on Healthy Cities is a vital building block in the construction of the healthy city system in Kuwait and a golden opportunity to advance the implementation of the initiative in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. It is a platform for exploring the latest knowledge in the fields of implementing the initiative and an opportunity to exchange experiences among the GCC countries and the region regarding success stories and areas of joint cooperation to harness resources to ensure the success of efforts aimed at improving community health. We are proud to organize the second Healthy Cities Conference in the State of Kuwait and in the region, following the great success of the first Healthy Cities Conference, which was the first at the regional level in 2017. The conference is held under the slogan "Healthy Cities for Community Development" and aims to bring together expertise and experiences in the fields of implementing healthy cities in the State of Kuwait. Readmore →

Conference Objectives

  1. Identifying Successes and Failures: To learn about the successes and failures of healthy cities in Kuwait, the Gulf region, and globally.
  2. Understanding Latest Developments: To stay updated on the latest developments in governance, monitoring, and capacity building in community initiatives, particularly the Healthy Cities initiative.
  3. Identifying Future Development Areas: To identify future development areas that will contribute to the sustainability of healthy cities systems and the building of healthy city networks.
  4. Finding Solutions to Challenges: To find solutions to questions and critical points in community work towards comprehensive development (scientific evidence, challenges, effective methodologies).
  5. Building Partnerships: To build diverse partnerships between cities and institutions that support community work and contribute to developing work mechanisms to meet the standards of healthy cities.
  6. Monitoring Successes: To monitor the most important successes in implementing healthy places and identify effective models for promoting individual and community health.

Target Audience

  • Workers and those interested in the field of healthy cities
  • Coordinating committees in cities, universities, and health commercial complexes
  • State institutions: government, private, and civil society institutions in Kuwait
  • Representatives of international organizations in the fields of the initiative
  • Members of the community

The conference aspire to achieve the following outcomes

  1. Positioning Kuwait: To position the State of Kuwait on the map of community initiatives as a significant hub for developing healthy city systems and as a major meeting point for healthy cities regionally and globally.
  2. Broad Participation: To provide an opportunity for the largest possible number of healthy cities to participate in the conference events (locally and regionally) and showcase their diverse experiences.
  3. Joint Projects: To adopt joint projects for implementation among healthy cities.
  4. Updating Methodologies: To update the mechanisms and methodologies of work in healthy cities based on scientific evidence in the field of community initiatives, which will be presented through research papers and studies.
  5. Attracting Global Expertise: To attract global expertise to visit Kuwait and benefit from their accumulated knowledge and skills in the field of healthy cities to train local cadres through workshops, thereby facilitating future joint work.
  6. Policy Recommendations: To develop recommendations in the areas of work and national policies for the optimal implementation of healthy cities.
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Conference Committees View All

Dr. Fatima Al-Najjar
Dr. Amal Hussein Jassim
Dr. Mohammed Al-Azmi
Dr. Al Anoud Al Obaidli

Event Venue

The Regency Hotel Kuwait

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